As the number of people requiring assistance to remain at home grows rapidly, private caregivers have become more common. You can look in the classifieds of any newspaper or service professional website and find ads for services ranging from homemaking to full time companions. Why not just choose one of these private individuals for your care, instead of a licensed agency? After all, private individuals do seem less expensive.
So why is choosing a reputable, licensed agency in your best interest? Here are a few examples:
First, as a patient of a home care agency, you are protected by state and federal regulations regarding hiring, training, and supervision of care an agency must comply with in order to operate. Most states, Indiana included, require a criminal background report and pre-employment drug screen for any employee whose job requires them to enter your home. All you have to do is watch the evening news to see how important that is.
Second, by employing an agency you eliminate the headaches associated with employee selection, scheduling, payroll taxes, and loss bonding.
Finally, by retaining a certified agency you may avail yourself of several forms of payment; which, if you qualify, could reduce your out of pocket expenses dramatically. If you are like most, budgeting is important, and you won’t want to pay 100% of the bill if you are entitled to financial help.
For these reasons, when you need assistance in the home, your best bet is a licensed home care agency.